Is Your Water Safe?

Whether you want to know about water filters, bottled water, or contamination, you will find the answers here.

Let’s get a clear picture of today’s water news and do a proper analysis of how it affects us.

What are the latest water technologies? Are they available to us? Do they work? Class is in session.

About Us

About Tom

Tom has been solving water problems for over 30 years. His work in industry, health care, power generation, and green technology have brought him to the doorstep of solving the global drinking water crisis.

Tom Volinchak

Our Services

We provide unparalleled expertise in core water technologies including RO, Deionization, and Home Drinking Water Products. We offer consulting and design services, as well as keynote speaking programs at water events.

Written by Tom Volinchak

Open Tap, Drink Poison – Let’s Fix It

In 2022, more than 75 million Americans drank poisoned water. Annually, more than 1,000 US municipal water systems fail to meet the requirements of the EPA Safe Drinking Water Act. We can no longer open our tap and feel safe about the water we drink. This book, the first of its kind, will help readers develop the required skills to assure that the water they drink will always be safe.

The news constantly reminds us that water shortages and contamination are now the norm. This site will guide you on how to defeat these impending problems.

Tom Volinchak


What they say about us

There is no more telling statement to our work than the words others use to describe us. I am blessed that so many have placed their trust in me.

Weekly Water Tidbit

Did you know there is no currently offered water filter that guarantees to produce safe drinking water as mandated by the Safe Drinking Water Act? Stay tuned for more!

Weekly Water Tidbit

Did you know there is no currently offered water filter that guarantees to produce safe drinking water as mandated by the Safe Drinking Water Act? Stay tuned for more!

Weekly Water Tidbit

Did you know there is no currently offered water filter that guarantees to produce safe drinking water as mandated by the Safe Drinking Water Act? Stay tuned for more!

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