Drinking Water

Drinking Water
Beware – Non-Chlorinated Water !!!!

  I have written about this before and it is so important, I want to write about it again, just from a little different perspective.

Drinking Water
Can Drinking Water Be Too Pure?

Man is on a constant journey to find the ultimate drinking water. Pure water, pure water, I tell ya, damn it, we want pure water.

Drinking Water
How Safe Is My Well Water?

Well water, or more accurately groundwater that is pumped up by way of a well, has been for centuries considered a very safe source of

Drinking Water
What Is The Future Of Your Water?

The infrastructure of America’s water systems is aged and failing. Pipes are old, leaking and failing. Treatment plants are struggling more and more to meet

Drinking Water
Summer Bottled Water Safetey Tips

Hey guys, here we are in the height of the summer heat. We are all immersed in to global warming, outdoor BBQ, fishing trips, baseball

Drinking Water
Disinfection – Chlorine Versus Ozone

We have learned throughout this blog that contamination is a natural state for water. For several scientific reasons water absorbs impurities from the substances it

Drinking Water
What Do Water Towers Do?

In a recent Tommy V survey I asked the question, “What is the purpose of a water tower?” The number one (#1) answer is “for

Drinking Water
Home Water Filter Tips – #1

  I recieved a call from a man in Saskatchewan asking me about a home water filter he wanted to buy for his parents. Back

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