
It is good to be back in the saddle posting again. I took a little time to do some work around the house that needed

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Four Water Filter Secrets That Could Save Your Life

Four Water Filter Secrets That Could Save Your Life

The world of water filtration is mesmerizing, complicated, and confusing. Consumers face endless options that include whole house, countertop, under-the-sink, and refrigerator filters. To make…

6 Crucial Life Saving Secrets About Toxic Fluoride

6 Crucial Life Saving Secrets About Toxic Fluoride

I have several colleagues and friends who are Dentists, others who are chemists, some who operate water plants, work for government agencies and of course…

4 Secrets Why Yours Stinks And Hers Doesn’t

4 Secrets Why Yours Stinks And Hers Doesn’t

I can just hear some of you now. “Tom, are you turning to adult-oriented content?” Of course not, but this seemed like an attention-grabbing headline, so…

Astonishing, Inexpensive Pipelines put life into our Water Crisis

Astonishing, Inexpensive Pipelines put life into our Water Crisis

Brilliant sources such as the CDC,, the USGS and many others document our water crisis. In the US and around the world we face…

Calling out the NSF for devious, scary practices

Calling out the NSF for devious, scary practices

People who know me often say that I have never met a stranger. I am also often called the life of the party. However, when…

Crucial Changes To Avoid a Deadly Water Destiny

Crucial Changes To Avoid a Deadly Water Destiny

If I was to ask you what the #1 threat to the future of your own safe drinking water was what would your answer be?…

Amazing, Spectacular, Life-Giving Secrets Of Reverse Osmosis

Amazing, Spectacular, Life-Giving Secrets Of Reverse Osmosis

When I began designing and selling Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems circa 1975, very few people ever heard of the technology let alone understood it. Today,…

What is Better Boiled Or Distilled

What is Better Boiled Or Distilled

Understanding The Technology Tap water is simply the water that comes out of your faucets when you open them. For many decades, in most industrialized…

How To Get Rich Working In Water

How To Get Rich Working In Water

How it all started In 1985 I was offered my first job in the water industry. My new boss welcomed me to the world of…

Five Forbidden Secrets About Municipal Water

Five Forbidden Secrets About Municipal Water

What should we expect from municipalities? Over the years municipal water systems have endured a lot of bad press. Some of it may be deserved…

Three Reasons Why Biochar Is A Big Flop

Three Reasons Why Biochar Is A Big Flop

WHAT IS BIOCHAR If you are at all tuned into to our changing world and efforts to mitigate climate change, then you are aware of…

Proven, Unsurpassed Ways To Test Your Water

Proven, Unsurpassed Ways To Test Your Water

As our water becomes more problematic our desire to know more about what we drink, and even test it ourselves, grows each moment. There are…

Four Mind Blowing Secrets About Your Aquifer

Four Mind Blowing Secrets About Your Aquifer

AQUIFER CONFUSION The world is now waking up to the terrors of vanishing groundwater. Increasing consumption and temporary droughts have led many communities that rely…

5 Secrets To Reduce PFAS

5 Secrets To Reduce PFAS

What Is PFAS PFAS is an acronym for a class of chemicals known as Per-Fluoro-Alkyl-Substances. Dupont invented this chemical and labeled it Teflon, however, today…

How Do You Like The New Site?

How Do You Like The New Site?

Hello friends and foes. If you haven’t noticed I have not been active with my blog this past year. I had one hell of a…

Why is the water Pink in Maui?

Why is the water Pink in Maui?

As if Hawaii has not suffered enough, now the water in a pond in Maui has turned pink. Some are reacting like the citizens in…

What Is The Proper Water pH?

What Is The Proper Water pH?

One of the hottest topics in the conversation about drinking water is pH. As it turns out a lot of the information being shared is…

Water Conservation? Not So Easy!

Water Conservation? Not So Easy!

I have written elsewhere that while I believe in responsible use of water, I also maintain that conservation is really not an effective long-term solution…

Tommy V on the Green Living With Tee Podcast

Tommy V on the Green Living With Tee Podcast

Hey, hey hey, friends and neighbors! I am proud to be presenting a new website (stay tuned as we polish it up) and a new,…

How Does My Refrigerator Know When The Filter Needs Replaced?

How Does My Refrigerator Know When The Filter Needs Replaced?

Do our refrigerators have a water chemistry analyzer to detect when the filter is no longer making good water? Or perhaps it measure how many…

Water On A Cruise Ship! Safe? Plentiful? Magical?

Water On A Cruise Ship! Safe? Plentiful? Magical?

My lovely wife Cathy has recently addicted me to Norwegian Cruise Line cruises. So far we have gone to Alaska out of Seattle, and Cuba…

The Universal Language Of Water

The Universal Language Of Water

We can wax technical about water from now until eternity but have you ever stopped to think how much we cannot explain about water? Why…

We Love Water – Except When Money Or Effort Is Required

We Love Water – Except When Money Or Effort Is Required

  A lot about the world of water pisses me off. Companies purchasing garbage water systems simply because they cost less. People in Flint, Michigan facing…

Beware – Non-Chlorinated Water !!!!

Beware – Non-Chlorinated Water !!!!

  I have written about this before and it is so important, I want to write about it again, just from a little different perspective.…

Can Drinking Water Be Too Pure?

Can Drinking Water Be Too Pure?

Man is on a constant journey to find the ultimate drinking water. Pure water, pure water, I tell ya, damn it, we want pure water.…

How Safe Is My Well Water?

How Safe Is My Well Water?

Well water, or more accurately groundwater that is pumped up by way of a well, has been for centuries considered a very safe source of…

What Is The Future Of Your Water?

What Is The Future Of Your Water?

The infrastructure of America’s water systems is aged and failing. Pipes are old, leaking and failing. Treatment plants are struggling more and more to meet…

How Does Industry Measure Water Quality?

How Does Industry Measure Water Quality?

  One of the least understood aspects of water is the measurement of quality. In it’s pure form, water has no contaminants in it. You…

My Aversion To Home Water Treatment Products

My Aversion To Home Water Treatment Products

By far the most popular question I get asked is “What Is The Best Home Drinking Water System”. This is also the most infuriating question…

Summer Bottled Water Safetey Tips

Summer Bottled Water Safetey Tips

Hey guys, here we are in the height of the summer heat. We are all immersed in to global warming, outdoor BBQ, fishing trips, baseball…

Disinfection – Chlorine Versus Ozone

Disinfection – Chlorine Versus Ozone

We have learned throughout this blog that contamination is a natural state for water. For several scientific reasons water absorbs impurities from the substances it…

What Do Water Towers Do?

What Do Water Towers Do?

In a recent Tommy V survey I asked the question, “What is the purpose of a water tower?” The number one (#1) answer is “for…

Home Water Filter Tips – #1

Home Water Filter Tips – #1

  I recieved a call from a man in Saskatchewan asking me about a home water filter he wanted to buy for his parents. Back…

Lead, Dead, Repossess-ed! Revisiting Flint!

Lead, Dead, Repossess-ed! Revisiting Flint!

I read today that residents in Flint Michigan who have refused to pay their water bills are receiving foreclosure notices from the city water department.…

Why Does Bottled Water Have An Expiration Date?

Why Does Bottled Water Have An Expiration Date?

In this week’s Parade magazine columnist Marilyn vos Savant answered this very question from one of her readers. In one paragraph she did a nice…

Emergency Water Treatment – How Much Chlorine?

Emergency Water Treatment – How Much Chlorine?

Across the land, from time-to-time, various municipalities have had boil alerts for their drinking water. When the alerts have to do with bacteria, it is…

Distilled versus Purified – Which is Radiator Best?

Distilled versus Purified – Which is Radiator Best?

Contrary to popular belief, distilled water is NOT free of minerals. By scientific convention distilled water has a conductivity of 200,000 ohms. This translates to…



Today I was interviewed and recorded on local public radio WKNO. I was asked to share my views on a controversy surrounding TVA drilling wells…

Which Chemicals Are Used To Purify Water?

Which Chemicals Are Used To Purify Water?

Depending on the quality of the feed water, and the final quality of water desired a variety of chemicals, or, no chemicals at all might…

Clever Ways To Deal With Hard Water

Clever Ways To Deal With Hard Water

Hard water is defined as water that contains Calcium and Magnesium. A little bit of hardness is good, too much will cause scale and plug…

What is Purified Water?

What is Purified Water?

There is no standardized definition of purified water. In consumer products the term Purified Water is used as a marketing gimmick to sell the consumer…

Cleaner Pools With UV Sanitization

Cleaner Pools With UV Sanitization

With summer soon upon us folks are getting ready to open their swimming pools. Over time we have all grown more sensitive to pool water…

Is Reverse Osmosis Water Safe To Drink?

Is Reverse Osmosis Water Safe To Drink?

I was asked this question today, and thought it would be a good topic of conversation. The real answer is something I keep harping on…

For The People Of Flint – God Bless All Of You

For The People Of Flint – God Bless All Of You

The President of the United States decided today to visit Flint, Michigan and put his two cents in. Talk about a delayed response? The problems…

Getting the Lead Out

Getting the Lead Out

Lead has been in the news a lot lately. Here in Memphis, activists are taking part in a campaign to remove all lead contamination from…

Emergency Water Plan? Have one? Need one?

Emergency Water Plan? Have one? Need one?

First of all, let me say that I am glad to have my website back up and running. I had a snafu with verification but…

Household Water Reuse System

Household Water Reuse System

We like to talk about conserving water via technology such as low volume toilets and shower-head flow restrictors. But there is another area we should…

Is Home Water Filtration The Wave Of The Future?

Is Home Water Filtration The Wave Of The Future?

The reason people continue to get into difficult situations with drinking water is because we all want to be told the one word, the one…



A friend of mine asked me today if I used a product called the “Zero Water Filter”. Because I live in Memphis, because I have…

My Advice To The People Of Flint

My Advice To The People Of Flint

Experts are a dime a dozen, and they are all flocking to your town. Brokovich blames chloramine, and the governor is “going to fix it”.…

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